Protect Payoneer Account & Save Dollars from Hacker.

Its really distressful when a person see that his dollar have been hacked from his Payoneer account. In this year 2017 many freelancers and other Payoneer users facing this problem that they are getting massage from different link which looks like Payoneer and in which massage it says that your withdraw need to be confirmed or something like this and also different attractive text. If people go for action then that helps the hackers to hack those accounts and dollars by that confirmation.
Protect Payoneer Account & Save Dollars from Hacker.

In July 2017 one of my friend who is a freelancer he works in fiverr and up-work. When he wake up in the morning he got a massage in his email address and it says "You have received a payment to your Payoneer account from fiverr and dollar about $246". And he got shocked by seeing this massage that time. He login to his Payoneer account and checked the history. He saw that his withdrawal money has been transferred to another account. Although he didn't confirm that massage. But his account has been hacked before. How did this happened you might wanna know. Here his wrong was saving username and password in browser. He always save email password in his browser and hacker hacked all those password from his PC browser.

In this point you may can get only massage for confirm the withdrawal and what can be happen by confirming that confirmation massage. That can be cause of losing account for while until you are not taking any steps. When you will go for confirm that massage they will ask for login details and if you put those information you will see nothing but you just sent your login details to the hackers. When they have your login access then they can easily transfer existing dollars from your account to another account.

My friend badly astonished that he didn't do anything but all those crap happened. Then he tried to take help from a skilled brother who is also a freelancer and he told him to directly contact to Payoneer support team. He called them to a tole free number and talk to them about the problem. From that time his account has been keep as a suspended account and they ask him to verify his details to get back his account. They give him a verification process.

1. They asked for a alternative email address which is not used in any Payoneer account. Because support team doubt that hacker already knows that email login information which used to login his Payoneer account. So that hacker can not see the conversation thats why asked for alternative email address.

2. They told to him provide his National ID Card or Passport scan copy.

3. Then asked for giving a picture where he will be shown on one hand with his ID Card and on another hand a written current date on a paper.

He send them all those information and was waiting about 25 days and then they reopened his account. In this case if it takes more time and they can be asked to withdraw report then don't ever do that because that will not let you get back that transferred money. If you withdraw the report then they will not work for refund your lost money. So better keep waiting as long as it takes. My friends was doing the same thing. They told him to withdraw the report so that they can open his account quickly but he didn't do that and after 1 month he got a massage from Payoneer that their support team working for getting back his refundable money. Then after waiting three month he got back his money.

For the fiverr user I want to say that if you report to the fiverr support team about this problem. Then there have a huge possibilities to get block your fiverr ID. If you verify perfectly all information they may can refund or may not. So there have risk to solving this type of issue. Better not to take help from fiverr about this kind of problems.

How This Hacking is Done?

In the your email address if  massage comes and have any link where you will be asked for confirm the withdraw or any thing else. Then they will give you a login form and you will see still you are logged in to your Payoneer account but they are asking for your login information. In Payoneer you don't even need to login to confirm the withdrawal, if still your are logged in then it will also not ask for it. So in this case if you put your login details then your information just has been sent to the hackers.

In fiverr, hackers sending files as a client where they also put their hacking application. And whenever it opens in your PC from that time it starts to sending all information from your PC to the hackers. There have lots of ways to hack others PC with valuable information. I can't explain all because it needs huge time to explain. Which things are important I just sharing those information's.

How to Protect Payoneer Accounts & Save Dollars from Hacker?

1. Do not save username and password in the browser of login details of Payoneer and also which account is very important for you as like Email address which you used to open Payoneer account, Up-work, fiverr, others freelancing platform, or any important accounts that you don't wanna lose.

2. Before login to your Payoneer account check URL is it Payoneer link or anything else. Hacker use link which looks like Payoneer link but have simple difference as like or But if it is really Payoneer site then it will be contains Here you have to be care full while login to your account.

3. Do not install unwanted application in your PC and add-on extension on your browser. This will be very dangerous for security of your valuable information's.

4. Use a good internet security to protect your PC from incoming unwanted application from hackers. There have lots of victims who is using Internet security after facing this problems. So it will be better use before facing those problems.
5. If possible then all time clear the data from browser. Because they can access the data from browser by different ways.
I already told you that my friend had saved login information's into the browser. That helps the hacker to easily access everything. So do not make those mistakes. And if after following all those instructions you still got hacked by hacker then don't forget and wait to report your lose to the Payoneer support team as quickly as possible.
Tole free number of Payoneer support: +1-800-251-2521
You can use it on Skype to make a free call.
If you think this article is helpful for you then you should help your friends by share this information to them who also need to know about the protection. I think its really important issue that we normally don't think before happening a bad thing to us. Thanks for read my article and stay safe.


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